
People are dumb as hell and brainwashed in r/investing


Just reading the post about „is bitcoin useful for real world implications from almost a month ago and all the comments seem they are from some bankers ceo kids who want to manipulate.

Someone said all crypto is a litetal ponzi scheme 😂 I wonder in which context he first learned that term


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Written by BTC India


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  1. One of the things I appreciate about Bitcoin is how it rewards smart, flexible, intellectually honest people, instead of those “stiff necked” dopes at the investing, personal finance, buttcoin, and cryptocurreny subreddits.

  2. Just talked about BTC with my mom for the first time the other day. She was adamant about not investing in it because:

    1. “It uses too much energy” – it uses far less than the global banking system and scales down every year as computing power improves and green energy initiatives are executed.
    2. “The price fluctuates too much” – its like investing in the internet in 1998… we’re in the earliest adoption stages… you’ve seen it go from less than a cent to nearly $70k… wouldn’t you want to take a chance with some disposable income that $70k will be the new $0.01 if global adoption occurs? If you bought at anything less than $1000, it looks like a slam dunk investment.
    3. “The number of calculations are far greater per transaction than banking” – That’s not really comparable but to humor you, computing power scales up enough to keep up with BTC network transactions. The average BTC transaction is verified in 10mins these days. Fidelity and Chase can’t even send my funds back and forth on the same day at this point. How is banking better again?
    4. “I don’t like that the bad guys can easily use it” – Uh… you think fiat isn’t used by “the bad guys” every day? Not to mention, the real bad guys (banks) literally run the fiat system.

    I also had to mention the immutability of the blockchain but unfortunately I think this is all lost on her.

    We’re so damn early. Hardly anyone has a clue.

  3. Yeah. I joined r/investing and have made a few bitcoin comments here and there. I don’t lay it on thick, rather I just sprinkle a bit of bitcoin in the overall conversations about general investing. I would say 80% are haters and they’ll attempt to argue with me. Their talking points are weak and they clearly don’t understand bitcoin. They constantly confuse bitcoin with “crypto”. I don’t get into a tit for tat; back and forth argument. I just say a few points to provoke some thoughts. It’s things like this that remind me that we’re super early in bitcoin’s adoption.

  4. Try to remember :
    Truth can’t be taught , only discovered , and most detached from reality and confusing it for the corridors of brain / mind … it requires accepting a few tough things :
    1) that the state is corrupt to a point of evil
    2) obvious logic mandates the thinking that created this shit show , nor any distortion of it can solve it
    3) that fiat currency is a scam 550 times the size of Madoff
    4) closed systems in balance with natural law will always crush open ended , intellect based nonsense
    5) that the emperor has on no clothes , the banks were set up by the fed and it’s a wrap, no way off the button at this point and only stall tactics .
    6) that hope is a sin , to keep the masses asleep and at the mercy of the ministers of propaganda
    And I could keep going .. but point being , most people worried more about the Kardashians , their fake on line profile and status, and have been battered into a place of being utterly helpless or stupid to a point of co signing on self destruction… so most are nowhere near being able to see clearly .

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