
Seed Phrase Saving Technique


I’m sure I’m not the first one to think of this but could anyone please counter/debunk my idea: I most likely am. I would like to save my seedphrase on the cloud using multiple levels of encryption.

\>Memory/Ancecdote: This most important layer being memory/anecdotes where for example if a word is ‘Charge’ I write something like

First three letters of my father’s oldest uncle ( who is called Charlie)/Last three letters are the country where I went on exchange: How it appears on tv in english on a football match but unscramble it.

So to decrypt it would be: Cha from Charlie and G-e-r in any order. I would get charge.

\>Non English language: Just reducing chances

I will skip this layer here to avoid misunderstanding

\>Intentionally misspelling: So that machines (yet) dont pick up on language and make sensoe of it

Phurst thuree leters af my fathhers eldest onkel…..

\>Simple math based encryption: TO avoid the text being understood by any human reader of any language as something sound

Phurst thuree….

P->Q h->i u->v etc.
sentence appearing as

“”Phurst thuree” appearing as “Qivtu uisff….”

I believe that unless I lose my memory, this is the safest way to store information (in my head). I am much less likely to forget my uncles name, or university country etc. than random words.


The reason I am against physical storage is because no matter how safe, it has a greater chance of getting lost or stolen.


Please share your knowledge on risks of this method


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Written by BTC India


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  1. Keep It Simple Stupid.
    Why do people keep coming up with stupid ways to lose their seed?
    Write your seed down physically only.
    if you want an “encryption” just add Passphrases(alphanumeric symbols and chars) , why tf are you putting it on a cloud?

  2. “Roll your own” cryptography is almost always a bad idea.

    Meanwhile, “complexity is the enemy of security.”

    Back up your seed phrase.

    Some people stamp it onto metal.

    Simpler: Create two handwritten copies on decent paper with pencil. Don’t use a computer printer, your seed phrase could become compromised. Don’t write it with ink, it might fade but pencil will not.

    Double, then triple check the copies for accuracy. Remember, your life savings are at stake.

    Store each copy to protect it from moisture and/or paper-eating insects, mold, etc. For example, ziploc baggies, small plastic bottles, pvc sprinkler tubing capped at the ends.

    Store the copies in separate locations in case of fire, flood, etc. Think long and hard about really, really good hiding locations.

    A home safe is a bad location. During a potential home invasion robbery, they will aim a gun at your head and force you to open your safe — make sure your seed phrase is not inside.

    Similarly, so-called “safe deposit boxes” are not all that secure. Bad places for seed phrases.

    Better places might include a gap behind some dry wall which has then been patched and repainted.

    In addition to having written copies in separate locations, memorize your seed phrase and quietly rehearse it at least once per day, ideally in the bathroom with the door shut, the fan running, and the water running (and no phones, cameras, or other microphoned devices nearby).

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