
Cold wallet?

I am curious, with all the discussions regarding comments made about cold wallets (I won’t mention who), if my Bitcoin is stored on the blockchain.- why do I need a wallet at all? That is if I can remember my private key. Help me understand what a wallet does beyond making it easier to remember and access the blockchain.

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  1. > …why do I need a wallet at all?

    Your “wallet” does nice things for you:
    * Allows you to generate a random seed number
    * Converts your seed number to the corresponding seed phrase so you can write it down, make back up copes, and memorize it
    * Generate private keys from your seed number
    * Generate the corresponding receive address for each private key it generates for you
    * Protects your private keys and seed phrase
    * **Digitally signs your ‘spend’ transactions, using your private key(s)**

    Some wallets do even more than that.

  2. >Help me understand what a wallet does beyond making it easier to remember and access the blockchain.

    In case of a hardware wallet it let’s you transact and store your funds *securely*. Since the keys are stored and the transaction signing takes place in a secure environment.

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