
Bitcoin virtual back to the future time theory


I have question/idea
Let’s suppose I ran a software emulator on a computer using old windows os and possibly an old world wide web server from 2009 that’s still active and in operation. So I’m back to January 20th 2009
I run the bitcoin.exe file and I start mining

Is there a possibility or a way to trick the crypto algorithm /block chain of even the server it’s running to mine coins from the 2009 ecosystem at the same price it was in 2009

In layman’s terms I mean is it possible to go back in time with the rights tools eg the servers in 2009 and access the early network nodes of the Bitcoin algorithm and start mining it, Regardless of the price of it in 2023

So I mine a few from 2009 and send it to my wallet in 2023

Like I said before it’s a question this might sound dumb but I’m curious. Is this a possibility?


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Written by BTC India


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  1. No that wouldn’t work, the transactions must occur in the present timeline. It’s in the code.

    But this is one of the greatest things I’ve read, and I encourage you to keep pursuing this because you might be onto a great discovery in time travel.

  2. Some minimal research would tell you that every Bitcoin block header contains the hash of the header of the previous block. That’s the link which makes the Bitcoin ledger a chain

    So you can mine an old 2009 block with a 2023 computer, a cheap 2019 GPU and hashcat, in a few seconds. It’s only about 4 billion hashes. Then you’ll have a valid block. But your block has your address in the reward payment transaction, not the original miner’s address. So your block has a different hash, and no longer links back from the subsequent block. You have to re-mine the next block. It’s 2023, and there are almost 800,000 blocks hash-linked to the original old block. You could mine the first 32,000 in about a day. After that, you’re just burning electricity, falling further and further behind

    Price is irrelevant. Bitcoin doesn’t care what anybody paid to buy it, in 2009 or 2023, or any other year

  3. Yes, you can do that, except that you’ll create a separate timeline in which you’ll be an early Bitcoin adopter and become a billionaire by 2023 in that timeline. Whatever has already happened in this timeline can’t be changed.

  4. No, you cannot insert a block back near the beginning of the blockchain, every node would just reject it. Blocks are only accepted at the end of the chain and must meet all the POW and difficulty requirements.

    The only way to do this would be to create a fork from a 2009/2010 version of the blockchain with your mined blocks at the end of it. However, this would make it a fork of BTC and not actual BTC so no one would accept or use it except you.

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